Monday, May 10, 2010


Pinakbet or pakbet is a popular Ilocano dish, from the northern regions of the Philippines, although it has become popular throughout the archipelago. The word is the contracted form of the Ilocano word "pinakebbet", meaning shrunk or shrivelled.

This time, we present to you our version of pinakbet.

What we have:

2 pcs eggplant
6 pcs okra
1 pc ampalaya
1 bundle string beans
1/4 pc squash
3 tbsp shrimp paste
1/4 kg pork (preferably fatty part)
100 gms fishball
3 cloves garlic
1 bulb onion
2 pcs tomatoes
fish sauce to taste
magic sarap

What we did:

1. Fry pork until brown and shriveled.
2. Add fish balls then saute garlic and onions. Add tomatoes.
3. Add shrimp paste.
4. Add squash. Simmer for 1 minute.
5. Add string beans. Simmer for 1 minute.
6. Add eggplant, okra, ampalaya and magic sarap to taste. Simmer for 3 minutes or until vegetables are cooked.
7. Add fish sauce to taste.

And the result is ...

Pork Sinigang

To jumpstart our journey towards great cooking, we first conquer the world of one of the best food the Filipinos has ever cooked - Pork Sinigang. Yummy!

Now as the name of the blog implies, we are still babies in terms of cooking, hence, pardon us if we violate some cooking rules and such.


We have:

1/2 kg of pork (spare ribs)
2 tomatoes, sliced
2 onions, diced
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 Bundle of Kangkong
1 Bundle of String beans
1 pc Horse radish
2 pcs gabi
4 pcs green finger pepper
3 tbsp fish sauce
2 eggplants
1 Liter water
1 pack sinigang mix

Here's what we did:

1. Sauted garlic and onion then added tomatoes. Let it simmer for 5 mins.

2. Added pork and fish sauce then the water. Waited till it boils, let it simmer for 15 mins then added gabi and green finger pepper (to make it more spicy). Let it simmer for another 15 mins or until pork is tender.

3. Put in the sinigang mix and allowed to boil for 2 mins.

4. Added the horse radish and string beans, simmer for 10 mins.

5. Added the eggplant and simmer for 2 mins.

6. Lastly, added the kangkong and simmer for 1 min.

And the result was...

The string beans were overcooked.
The eggplant were a little bit raw.
But overall, it tasted really great.

1. We should have put the string beans later and the eggplant earlier than we did.